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Enable Test Intelligence


Test Intelligence applies to unit testing only. For other types of tests, use Run steps to run tests.

Testing is an important part of Continuous Integration (CI). Testing safeguards the quality of your product before shipping. However, test cycles often involve many tests, and it can take a significant amount of time for the tests to run. Additionally, the tests that run might be irrelevant to the code changes that triggered the build, and running all unit tests every time the code changes is expensive and time-consuming.

Harness Test Intelligence (TI) improves unit test time by running only the unit tests required to confirm the quality of the code changes that triggered the build. You can also use parallelism (test splitting) with TI to further optimize your test times.

How does Test Intelligence work?

Test Intelligence uses test selection to run only those tests that are relevant to code changes. This includes changes to your software's code, as well as changes to your tests (new or modified tests). Instead of always running all unit tests, TI selects only the relevant subset of unit tests and skips the rest.

When you perform a pull request, TI uses the following metrics to select tests:

  • Changed code: TI queries Git to learn exactly which code changed in a specific build. TI uses this data to select tests that are associated directly or indirectly with the source code changes. TI selects these tests as part of the subset of the tests run in the pipeline. TI skips tests that aren't needed because there were no relevant code change.
  • Changed tests: When a test is changed, TI selects and runs that test, even if the code the test covers hasn't changed.
  • New tests: When you add a new test, TI selects and runs that test. This ensures that the test is running successfully and also finds correlations between the new test and new/existing code.

TI is always up to date and syncs when you merge code to any branch.

After a build runs, TI gives you full visibility into which tests were selected and why. This can help you identify negative trends and gain insights to improve test quality and coverage. You can find the Test results and the TI call graph visualization on the Build details page. The call graph visualization shows the changed classes and methods that caused each test to be selected.

Supported codebases

Test Intelligence supports the following codebases:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • C# (.NET Core, NUnit)

Currently, TI for .NET is behind the feature flag TI_DOTNET. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.

For unsupported codebases, use Run steps to run tests.

Enable Test Intelligence

Using TI doesn't require you to change your build and test processes. To enable TI:

  1. Add a Run Tests step, which executes one or more tests on a container image.
  2. Generate a call graph. The first time you enable TI on a repo, you must commit changes to your codebase that run all tests. This generates the initial call graph, which sets the baseline for test selection in future builds.
  3. After you've successfully enabled TI, you can further optimize test times by enabling parallelism (test splitting) for TI.
Video summary

The following video walks you through setting up Test Intelligence in a Harness CI pipeline. The TI section starts after the 11-minute mark in the video.

Add the Run Tests step

You need a CI pipeline with a Build stage where you'll add the Run Tests step. Your pipeline must be associated with a supported codebase.

If you haven't created a pipeline before, try one of the CI pipeline tutorials or go to CI pipeline creation overview.

The build environment must have the necessary binaries for the Run Tests step to execute your test commands. Depending on the stage's build infrastructure, Run Tests steps can use binaries that exist in the build environment or pull an image, such as a public or private Docker image, that contains the required binaries. For more information about when and how to specify images, go to the Container registry and image settings.

  1. In Harness, go to the pipeline where you want to add the RunTests step. In the CI stage, add a RunTests step and configure the Run Tests step settings. To enable Test Intelligence, you must:

    • Specify one or more report paths in reports. JUnit XML format is required. For more information, go to Format test reports.
    • Include runOnlySelectedTests: true
    • Specify language, buildTool, args, and other settings specific to your selected language or tool.
    • Include connectorRef and image if required by the build infrastructure.
  2. After adding the RunTests step, make sure you generate the initial call graph.

              - step:
type: RunTests
name: Run Tests
identifier: Run_Tests
connectorRef: account.harnessImage ## Specify if required by your build infrastructure.
image: maven:3.8-jdk-11 ## Specify if required by your build infrastructure.
language: Java ## Specify Java or Kotlin.
buildTool: Maven ## Specify Bazel, Maven, or Gradle.
args: test
packages: io.harness.
runOnlySelectedTests: true ## Set to false if you don't want to use TI.
postCommand: mvn package -DskipTests
type: JUnit
- "target/reports/*.xml"

Generate the initial call graph

The first time you enable Test Intelligence on a repo, you must run all tests to generate an initial call graph. This sets the baseline for test selection in future builds. You can use a webhook trigger or manual build to generate the initial call graph.

  1. Add a webhook trigger to your pipeline that listens for Pull Request or Push events in the pipeline's codebase.
  2. Open a PR or push changes that cause all tests to run for your codebase.
  3. Wait while the build runs. You can monitor the build's progress on the Build details page. If the build succeeds, you can review the test results.
  4. If the tests pass and the build succeeds, merge your PR, if applicable.

Enable parallelism (test splitting) for Test Intelligence

You can enable parallelism and test splitting in your Run Tests steps to further optimize test times.

With parallelism, you specify how you want Harness to divide the work for a step or stage. When you use parallelism and test splitting with Test Intelligence, Harness divides the work after test selection. This means that your test execution time is reduced by both test selection and parallelism.

Example: Time saved by combining TI with test splitting

Suppose you have a pipeline that runs 100 tests, and each test takes about one second to run. Here's how TI and parallelism can reduce your test times:

  • By default, without TI or parallelism, all 100 tests run in sequence, taking 100 seconds.
  • With TI, test selection reduces the number of tests based on the detected changes. Supposing only 20 out of the 100 tests are required, the build with TI runs 20 tests in sequence, taking 20 seconds. This reduces test run time by 80%.
  • With TI and parallelism, the selected tests are divided into a number of workloads. Supposing a maximum of four workloads and 20 selected tests, the 20 tests are split into four concurrently-running groups. It takes only five seconds to run the tests, reducing test run time by 95% compared to the default.

Note that while parallelism for TI can improve the total time it takes to run all tests, some tests may still take a long time to run if, by their nature, they are intensive, long-running tests.

To enable parallelism for TI, you must set a parallelism strategy on either the Run Tests step or the stage where you have the Run Tests step, add the enableTestSplitting parameter to your Run Tests step, and use an expression to create a unique results file for each run. Optionally, you can include the testSplitStrategy parameter and environment variables to differentiate parallel runs.

  1. Go to the pipeline where you want to enable parallelism for TI.

  2. Define the parallelism strategy on either the stage where you have the Run Tests step or on the Run Tests step itself. You must include strategy:parallelism. Other options, such as maxConcurrency are optional.

    You can do this in either the visual or YAML editor. In the visual editor, Parallelism is found under Looping Strategy in the stage's or step's Advanced settings.


    If you use step-level parallelism, you must ensure that your test runners won't interfere with each other because all parallel steps work in the same directory.

  3. Switch to the YAML editor, if you were not already using it.

  4. Find the RunTests step, and then find the spec section.

  5. Add enableTestSplitting: true.

  6. The testSplitStrategy parameter is optional. If you include it, you can choose either TestCount or ClassTiming.

    Class timing uses test times from previous runs to determine how to split the test workload for the current build. Test count uses simple division to split the tests into workloads. The default is ClassTiming if you omit this parameter. However, the maximum possible number of workloads is determined by the parallelism strategy you specified on the step or stage. For example, if you set parallelism: 5, tests are split into a maximum of five workloads.

  7. Modify the reports.paths value to use a Harness expression, such as <+strategy.iteration>. This ensures there is a unique results file for each parallel run. For example:

    - "target/surefire-reports/result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml"
    type: JUnit
  8. You can add environment variables to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.

    • Add two environment variables to the step.spec: HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: <+strategy.iteration> and HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: <+strategy.iterations>.
    • Add a preCommand to echo the variables' values so you can easily see the values in build logs.
                  - step:
    type: RunTests
    identifier: Run_Tests_with_Intelligence
    name: Run Tests with Intelligence
    language: Java
    buildTool: Maven
    envVariables: ## Optional environment variables to differentiate parallel runs.
    HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: <+strategy.iteration> # Index of current parallel run.
    HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: <+strategy.iterations> # Total parallel runs.
    preCommand: |- ## Optional. Echo environment variables to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.
    args: test
YAML example: Test Intelligence with test splitting
    - stage:
type: CI
identifier: Build_and_Test
name: Build and Test
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: RunTests
identifier: Run_Tests_with_Intelligence
name: Run Tests with Intelligence
language: Java
buildTool: Maven
envVariables: ## Optional environment variables to differentiate parallel runs.
HARNESS_STAGE_INDEX: <+strategy.iteration> # Index of current parallel run.
HARNESS_STAGE_TOTAL: <+strategy.iterations> # Total parallel runs.
preCommand: |- ## Optional. Echo environment variables to differentiate parallel runs in build logs.
args: test
runOnlySelectedTests: true ## Enable TI.
enableTestSplitting: true ## Enable test splitting.
testSplitStrategy: ClassTiming ## Optional. Can be ClassTiming or TestCount. Default is ClassTiming.
postCommand: mvn package -DskipTests
- "target/surefire-reports/result_<+strategy.iteration>.xml" ## Use an expression to generate a unique results file for each parallel run.
type: JUnit
arch: Amd64
os: Linux
spec: {}
type: Cloud
parallelism: 3 ## Set the number of groups to use for test splitting.

Ignore tests or files

If you want Test Intelligence to ignore certain tests or files, create a .ticonfig.yaml file in your codebase containing a list of tests and files to ignore, for example:

- ""
- ".ticonfig.yaml"
- "**/*.go"
- "**/Dockerfile*"
- "licenses/**/*"
- "img/**/*"

View test reports

To view the test report, go to the Tests tab on the Build details page. The test report content is based on the tests you configured for the Run Tests step.

In order for the Tests tab to show tests, your test reports must be in JUnit XML format, because Harness parses test reports that are in JUnit XML format only. For more information about formatting unit test reports, go to Format test reports.

Expand the sections below to learn more about the Tests tab contents.

Test Execution Overview

This section provides an overview of Total Tests, number of Selected Tests, total Duration of all tests, and Time Saved.

Duration reflects the sum of CPU time taken for all tests to complete. The values are collected as-is from the JUnit report, and they don't correspond with wall-clock time. In contrast, the pipeline execution time is a measure of wall-clock time. Therefore, it is possible that the Duration may exceed the total pipeline execution time.

Test Execution Result

This section provides a graphical representation of successful and failed tests.

Test Selection Breakdown

Test Intelligence analyzes changes to source files and test files in the codebase and then runs only the tests that are relevant to the detected changes. This section reports how many tests ran based on the different the types of code changes included in this build:

  • Correlated with Code Changes: The number of tests that ran due to changes in the codebase.
  • New Tests: The number of tests that ran because they are new.
  • Updated Tests: The number of tests that ran because there was a change to the actual test code or content.
Test Execution

This section provides a detailed list of all tests, including class methods and test methods.

Initially, the list shows only failed tests. To see all tests, toggle Show all Tests.

You can sort the list by failure rate, duration, and total tests. You can also expand test suites to see details about individual tests in that suite.

Call Graph

The first time you enable Test Intelligence on a repo, you must run all tests to generate the initial call graph. This creates a baseline for test selection in future builds; therefore, the initial call graph is not particularly useful. In subsequent builds, the call graph shows information about tests selected by TI for that run.

Select Expand graph to view the TI Visualization, which shows why a specific test was selected and the reason behind every test selection. Purple nodes represent tests. Select any test (purple node) to see all the classes and methods covered by that test. Blue nodes represent changes to classes and methods that caused TI to select that test.


The Run Tests step has the following settings.

  • Some settings are located under Additional Configuration in the Pipeline Studio's visual editor.
  • Some settings are only applicable to certain languages or build tools.
  • Settings specific to containers, such as Set Container Resources, are not applicable when using the step in a stage with VM or Harness Cloud build infrastructure.


Enter a name summarizing the step's purpose. Harness automatically assigns an Id (Entity Identifier Reference) based on the Name. You can edit the Id.

Description is optional.

Container Registry and Image

The Container Registry is a Harness container registry connector for the image that you want Harness to run build commands on, such as Docker Hub.

The Image is the FQN (fully-qualified name) or artifact name of the Docker image to use when this step runs commands, for example The image name should include the tag. If you don't include a tag, Harness uses the latest tag.

You can use any Docker image from any Docker registry, including Docker images from private registries. Different container registries require different name formats:

  • Docker Registry: Enter the name of the artifact you want to deploy, such as library/tomcat. Wildcards aren't supported. FQN is required for images in private container registries.
  • ECR: Enter the FQN (fully-qualified name) of the artifact you want to deploy. Images in repos must reference a path, for example:
  • GCR: Enter the FQN (fully-qualified name) of the artifact you want to deploy. Images in repos must reference a path starting with the project ID that the artifact is in, for example:

The stage's build infrastructure determines whether these fields are required or optional:


Select the source code language to build: C#, Java, Kotlin, or Scala. Some languages have additional settings.

Do you want to enable Error Tracking?

Error tracking helps you be more proactive at discovering and remediating errors early in the software development lifecycle. It help s you more easily discover issues and assess the quality of code before it reaches production.

Select Yes to enable error tracking. When enabled, a set of commands are auto-populated in the Pre-Command field. Review these commends to ensure they are compatible with your build. The auto-populated commands are enclosed between #ET-SETUP-BEGIN and #ET-SETUP-END, for example:

cd /opt
arch=`uname -m`
if [ $arch = "x86_64" ]; then
if cat /etc/os-release | grep -iq alpine ; then
wget -qO- | tar -xz
wget -qO- | tar -xz
elif [ $arch = "aarch64" ]; then
wget -qO- | tar -xz
export ET_COLLECTOR_URL=<cluster_value>/et-collector
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-agentpath:/opt/harness/lib/"
# Uncomment the line below if using Java version 10 or above
# export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xshare:off -XX:-UseTypeSpeculation -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m -agentpath:/opt/harness/lib/"

Error tracking output is reported on the Error Tracking tab when the pipeline runs.

Test Annotations

This setting is located under Additional Configuration.

You can provide a comma-separated list of test annotations used in unit testing. Any method with a specified annotation is treated as a test method. If not specified, the defaults are: org.junit.Test, org.junit.jupiter.api.Test, org.testing.annotations.Test

Build Tool

Select the build automation tool. Supported tools vary by Language.

Bazel container images

If you use a Bazel container image in a build infrastructure where Bazel isn't already installed, your pipeline must include commands or steps to install Bazel. This is because bazel query is called before the container image is pulled.

Bazel is already installed on Harness Cloud. For other build infrastructures, you must manually confirm if Bazel is already installed.

Build Arguments

Enter arguments to use as input for the build tool. You don't need to repeat the build tool, such as maven or dotnet; these are declared in Build Tool.

Note the following requirements:

  • Java: Provide runtime arguments for tests, for example: Test -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -DfailIfNoTests=false.
  • C# .NET: Provide runtime arguments for tests, for example: /path/to/test.dll /path/to/testProject.dll.
    • Expects .dll injection. csproj isn't supported.
    • Do not inject another instrumenting agent, such as a code coverage agent, in the argument string.
  • C# NUnit: Provide runtime executables and arguments for tests, for example: . "path/to/nunit3-console.exe" path/to/TestProject.dll --result="UnitTestResults.xml" /path/to/testProject.dll.
    • You must include the executable in the string.
    • Do not inject another instrumenting agent, such as a code coverage agent, in the string.

Test Report Paths

Specify one or more paths to files that store test results in JUnit XML format. You can add multiple paths. If you specify multiple paths, make sure the files contain unique tests to avoid duplicates. Glob is supported.

This field is required for the Run Tests step to publish test results.


Enter the commands for setting up the environment before running the tests. For example, printenv prints all or part of the environment.

If a script is supplied here, select the corresponding Shell option.


Enter the commands used for cleaning up the environment after running the tests. For example, sleep 600 suspends the process for 600 seconds.

If a script is supplied here, select the corresponding Shell option.

Run Only Selected Tests

This option must be selected (true) to enable Test Intelligence.

If this option is not selected (false), TI is disabled and all tests run on every build.


Leave blank or provide a comma-separated list of source code package prefixes, such as, If you do not provide a list, Harness auto-detects the packages.

Environment Variables

You can inject environment variables into the step container and use them in the step's commands. You must input a Name and Value for each variable.

You can reference environment variables in the Command, Pre-Command, or Post-Command scripts by name, such as $var_name.

Variable values can be fixed values, runtime inputs, or expressions. For example, if the value type is expression, you can input a value that references the value of some other setting in the stage or pipeline.

Using an expression for an environment variable's value.
Stage variables

Stage variables are inherently available to steps as environment variables.

Output Variables

Output variables expose values for use by other steps or stages in the pipeline.

YAML example: Output variable

In the following YAML example, step alpha exports an output variable called myVar, and then step beta references that output variable.

              - step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo <+steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>
echo <+execution.steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>

If an output variable value contains a secret, be aware that the secret will be visible in the build details:

  • On the Output tab of the step where the output variable originates.
  • In the build logs for any later steps that reference that variable.

For information about best practices for using secrets in pipelines, go to the Secrets documentation.

Create an output variable

To create an output variable, do the following in the step where the output variable originates:

  1. In the Command field, export the output variable. For example, the following command exports a variable called myVar with a value of varValue:

    export myVar=varValue
  2. In the step's Output Variables, declare the variable name, such as myVar.

Reference an output variable

To reference an output variable in a later step or stage in the same pipeline, use a variable expression that includes the originating step's ID and the variable's name.

Use either of the following expressions to reference an output variable in another step in the same stage:


Use either of the following expressions to reference an output variable in a different stage than the one where it originated:


To reference an output variable, the variable expression must include the originating step's ID and the variable's name.
Early access feature: Output variables as environment variables

Currently, this early access feature is behind the feature flag CI_OUTPUT_VARIABLES_AS_ENV. Contact Harness Support to enable the feature.

With this feature flag enabled, output variables from steps are automatically available as environment variables for other steps in the same Build (CI) stage. This means that, if you have a Build stage with three steps, an output variable produced from step one is automatically available as an environment variable for steps two and three.

In other steps in the same stage, you can refer to the output variable by its key without additional identification. For example, an output variable called MY_VAR can be referenced later as simply $MY_VAR. Without this feature flag enabled, you must use an expression to reference the output variable, such as <+steps.stepID.output.outputVariables.MY_VAR>.

With or without this feature flag, you must use an expression when referencing output variables across stages, for example:

name: <+stages.[stageID].spec.execution.steps.[stepID].output.outputVariables.[varName]>
name: <+pipeline.stages.[stageID].spec.execution.steps.[stepID].output.outputVariables.[varName]>
YAML examples: Referencing output variables

In the following YAML example, a step called alpha exports an output variable called myVar, and then a step called beta references that output variable. Both steps are in the same stage.

              - step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo $myVar

The following YAML example has two stages. In the first stage, a step called alpha exports an output variable called myVar, and then, in the second stage, a step called beta references that output variable.

    - stage:
name: stage1
identifier: stage1
type: CI
- step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue
- name: myVar
- stage:
name: stage2
identifier: stage2
type: CI
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo <+stages.stage1.spec.execution.steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>

If multiple variables have the same name, variables are chosen according to the following hierarchy:

  1. Environment variables defined in the current step
  2. Output variables from previous steps
  3. Stage variables
  4. Pipeline variables

This means that Harness looks for the referenced variable within the current step, then it looks at previous steps in the same stage, and then checks the stage variables, and, finally, it checks the pipeline variables. It stops when it finds a match.

If multiple output variables from previous steps have the same name, the last-produced variable takes priority. For example, assume a stage has three steps, and steps one and two both produce output variables called NAME. If step three calls NAME, the value of NAME from step two is pulled into step three because that is last-produced instance of the NAME variable.

Unpredictability with parallelism

For stages that use looping strategies, particularly parallelism, the last-produced instance of a variable can differ between runs. Depending on how quickly the parallel steps execute during each run, the last step to finish might not always be the same.

To avoid conflicts with same-name variables, either make sure your variables have unique names or use an expression to specify a particular instance of a variable, for example:

name: <+steps.stepID.output.outputVariables.MY_VAR>
name: <+execution.steps.stepGroupID.steps.stepID.output.outputVariables.MY_VAR>
YAML examples: Variables with the same name

In the following YAML example, step alpha and zeta both export output variables called myVar. When the last step, beta, references myVar, it gets the value assigned in zeta because that was the most recent instance of myVar.

              - step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue1
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: zeta
identifier: zeta
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue2
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo $myVar

The following YAML example is the same as the previous example except that step beta uses an expression to call the value of myVar from step alpha.

              - step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue1
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: zeta
identifier: zeta
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue2
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo <+steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>

Image Pull Policy

If you specified a Container Registry and Image, you can specify an image pull policy:

  • Always: The kubelet queries the container image registry to resolve the name to an image digest every time the kubelet launches a container. If the kubelet encounters an exact digest cached locally, it uses its cached image; otherwise, the kubelet downloads (pulls) the image with the resolved digest, and uses that image to launch the container.
  • If Not Present: The image is pulled only if it isn't already present locally.
  • Never: The image is not pulled.

Run as User

If you specified a Container Registry and Image, you can specify the user ID to use for running processes in containerized steps.

For a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, the step uses this user ID to run all processes in the pod. For more information, go to Set the security context for a pod.

Set Container Resources

These settings specify the maximum resources used by the container at runtime:

  • Limit Memory: The maximum memory that the container can use. You can express memory as a plain integer or as a fixed-point number using the suffixes G or M. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents Gi and Mi. The default is 500Mi.
  • Limit CPU: The maximum number of cores that the container can use. CPU limits are measured in CPU units. Fractional requests are allowed. For example, you can specify one hundred millicpu as 0.1 or 100m. The default is 400m. For more information go to Resource units in Kubernetes.


The timeout limit for the step. Once the timeout is reached, the step fails and pipeline execution continues.

To change what happens when steps fail, go to Step Failure Strategy settings.

To configure when pipelines should skip certain steps, go to Step Skip Condition settings.

Pipeline YAML examples

These examples use Harness Cloud build infrastructure.

This example shows a pipeline that runs tests with Maven and Test Intelligence.

name: Test Intelligence Demo
identifier: testintelligencedemo
projectIdentifier: default
orgIdentifier: default
build: <+input>
- stage:
type: CI
identifier: Build_and_Test
name: Build and Test
cloneCodebase: true
- step:
type: RunTests
name: Run Tests
identifier: Run_Tests
language: Java ## Specify Java or Kotlin.
buildTool: Maven ## Specify Bazel, Maven, or Gradle.
args: test
packages: io.harness.
runOnlySelectedTests: true ## Set to false if you don't want to use TI.
postCommand: mvn package -DskipTests
type: JUnit
- "target/reports/*.xml"
arch: Amd64
os: Linux
spec: {}
type: Cloud


You might encounter these issues when using Test Intelligence.

pom.xml with argLine

If your pom.xml contains argLine, you must update the Java Agent as follows:


<argLine> something  


<argLine> something -javaagent:/addon/bin/java-agent.jar=/addon/tmp/config.ini  


If you're using Jacoco, Surefire, or Failsafe, make sure that forkCount is not set to 0.

For example, the following configuration in pom.xml removes forkCount and applies useSystemClassLoader as a workaround:

<!-- <forkCount>0</forkCount> -->