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Harness CLI Examples

In this section, we'll walk through an example to show how you can use the Harness CLI utility tool. We'll set up a pipeline and all the things it needs to deploy a sample guestbook application to your Kubernetes environment.

Let's Begin

  1. Refer Install and Configure Harness CLI doc to setup and configure Harness CLI.

  2. Fork the harnessed-example-apps repository through the GitHub web interface.

  3. Clone the Forked harnessed-example-apps repo and change directory.

    git clone
    cd harnesscd-example-apps

    Replace GITHUB_ACCOUNTNAME with your GitHub Account name.

  4. Make sure you have a delegate configured and running smoothly. If not, you can also refer to the Install Harness Delegate on Kubernetes or Docker guide for steps on setting up the delegate using Helm, Terraform Helm Provider, or Kubernetes manifest.

  5. Now, let's create all the resources that is required to execute a pipeline successfully. Let's start with creating a Harness Secret to store GitHub PAT.

    • Obtain GitHub personal access token with repo permissions. For steps, go to the GitHub documentation on creating a personal access token.
    • Create a Harness Secret to store GitHub PAT. This will be used in the next step to create GitHub connector.
      harness secret  --token GITHUB_PAT apply 

      Note: Replace GITHUB_PAT with GitHub PAT that you obtained in the previous step.

  6. Create a GitHub connector.

    harness connector --file guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/github-connector.yml apply --git-user GITHUB_ACCOUNTNAME

    Note: Replace GITHUB_ACCOUNTNAME with your GitHub Account Name.

  7. Create a Kubernetes connector.

    harness connector --file guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/kubernetes-connector.yml apply --delegate-name DELEGATE_NAME

    Note: Replace DELEGATE_NAME with the Delegate name.

  8. Create a Environment.

    harness environment --file guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/environment.yml apply
  9. Create a Infrastructure Definition.

    harness infrastructure  --file guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/infrastructure-definition.yml apply
  10. Create a Service.

    harness service --file guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/service.yml apply 
  11. Now, let's create a Pipeline of deployement type Canary with just a single command.

    harness pipeline --file  guestbook/harnesscd-pipeline/canary-pipeline.yml apply
  12. Finally, it's time to execute the pipeline. Traverse through Harness UI > Default Project > Pipelines > Click guestbook_canary_pipeline > Select Run, and then select Run Pipeline to initiate the deployment.

    • Observe the execution logs as Harness deploys the workload and checks for steady state.
    • After a successful execution, you can check the deployment in your Kubernetes cluster using the following command:
    kubectl get pods -n default
    • To access the Guestbook application deployed via the Harness pipeline, port forward the service and access it at http://localhost:8080:
    kubectl port-forward svc/kustomize-guestbook-ui 8080:80
  13. Congratulations! You successfully used harness CLI utility tool to create and execute a pipeline.